

  • CA610 maintenance

    2018-11-09 回复

  • CA610 analyzer solenoid.

    The Catalog Number/ Order Code for the solenoid for the CA610 analyzer is 5740800

    2018-11-09 回复

  • CA610 analyzer calibration and warnings.

    If a calibration warning occurs but it is not cleared, and the analyzer later performs a calibration without errors – the previous warning remains in memory.  It is possible to see a “Marg Slope” warning even though review of the calibration reveals an ideal slope value.

    2018-11-09 回复

  • Displaying RGT/SMP Error on the CA610 Fluoride analyzer

    RGT/SMP Error is on software Ver 1.4 and can be cleared on the CA610 Fluoride analyzer.  It may be caused by bubbles in the sample stream, or that cling inside the measurement chamber.  The message doesn't happen as often with the latest Ver 1.5 software.  If this is a reoccurring problem, and the instrument has Ver 1.4, the entire circuit board has to be replaced in order for it to update to the newest version.

    2018-11-09 回复

  • CA610 Analyzer and Optimal Sample Ph

    The CA610 is intended for use in finished drinking water, and in this application there are no real concerns with pH or other interferences. (Aluminum, however; is a known interference, and the analyzer allows user adjustment of the sample cycle to allow sufficient time for the TISAB reagent to mask this interference). The TISAB reagent was formulated to address the pH ranges and strengths that would be common to the drinking water application. The TISAB reagent itself has a pH of about 4.6. It is used to keep sample pH buffered to the acidic side in an effort to keep minerals in solution and prevent coating of the electrodes and to keep fluoride in the ionic state

    2018-11-09 回复

  • CA610 Reagent Set

    2816900 :Include Reagent 1 TISAB, Standard 1, and Standard 2

    2018-11-09 回复

  • CA610 Cycle Time

    4.2 minutes

    2018-11-09 回复

  • CA610 Minimum Detection Limit

    0.10 ppm

    2018-11-09 回复

  • CA610 Accuracy

    ±10% or ±0.10 ppm whichever is greater

    2018-11-09 回复

  • CA610 Measuring Range

    0.1 – 10 mg/L

    2018-11-09 回复



400-820-9091 / 800-840-6026


